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International Day of Children Living on the Street

April 12th is Día del Niño en Situación de Calle (International Street Children Day). United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) reports that today there are upwards of 150 million children homeless and on the streets worldwide. They may be fleeing violence, drug and alcohol abuse, the death of their parent, or simply the inability of a parent to care for them. They are forced into scavenging, hawking goods or even prostitution to exist. Non-formal education is one way to address these concerns but, without some form of education their future is dim at best.

The Sisters of Divine Providence have found a unique way to bring basic education and hope to the children of the street in Querétaro, QRO, México. They go where they are needed. Their ministry is called Escuelita Móvil or mobile school. The school is the first of its kind in México and joined by others throughout Latin America. The idea was developed in Belgium out of a need to provide education to those who are under-educated or do not receive formal education. In Querétaro, Escuelita Móvil serves all ages of individuals who live mainly on the streets.

Every afternoon except Sunday the Sisters, a social worker and volunteers load Escuelita onto the bed of a truck and take it to the streets. When the children see the Escuelita coming they rush to help set it in place, drawing out the panels of activities. The children can practice math, writing, translating Spanish words into English or sit and play a game of chess or Uno. Escuelita also encourages creative thinking and problem solving through writing and drawing. There are the “regulars” that come. When someone is missing, the social worker or a Sister inquires about them and sends the message they were missed that day, showing care for each child as a valued member of society.
On this Día del Niño en Situación de Calle, you are encouraged to take time to reflect on the following: Are you willing to walk with the poor? Are you willing to imitate Jesus in your actions? Reach out today and be the Light of Christ by giving hope to someone.

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