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To love as Jesus did means to be open to the depths of human experience in all its joy and pain.

Even in suffering we see the mystery of a provident God who is with us always, creating life from death. Prayer opens our heart to the Divine and to each other. It is a point of intersection where our deepest human needs meet the greatest blessings of God.

Prayer is not just about asking God to help you in hard times – but recounting moments when your heart was wide open with excitement, happiness, joy, relief, and gratitude. God is constantly at work loving and caring for us and transforming our universe for good.

If you’d like to request a prayer, click on the Request a Prayer button below and complete the form.
Note: fields marked with * are required.

Request a Prayer

sunlight in the trees
sunlight in the trees
praying hands

About Prayer Requests

When you request a prayer through our website, your intention becomes part of our ministry of Prayer and Presence and the daily prayers and works of our Sisters.

You will not receive an individual response to your prayer request. Should you need immediate or ongoing spiritual help, ask Providence to lead you to a local parish, church, synagogue, temple or mosque where you can receive assistance.

See our Privacy Policy (pdf).

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