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News Updates on McCullough Hall Expansion and Renovation

Expansion and renovation of McCullough Hall Nursing Center continues to move forward. To date, Hansco has provided demolition work and site excavation. The roof and ceiling were removed from the Solarium. Entrances to McCullough Hall and Regan Hall were sealed with soundproof material and blocked from use making a substantial detour to enter McCullough Hall. All the windows facing east have been removed and a hole into the Catio to the west was punched open. Tractors and excavation equipment will be able to move from 24th through to the Catio area.

In the next weeks Stoddard Construction hopes to regrade the Catio area and install a sump station and pit to improve drainage and discharge water to the east, underneath the concrete slab. The sump station will be a 6’ in diameter cylinder with an 11’ height buried underground and replacing a much smaller system. The contractor is making great efforts to retain as many of the trees and landscape as possible. For that, we are grateful.

Our residents have requested weekly updates to construction and pictures of the progress. The contractor will cut viewing windows into the entrances originally blocked off so our residents can peek in and see the progress. And for our resident cats in the Catio, they seem un-phased by the commotion.

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