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Host PROSO virtual and in-person Retreats, Conversation Groups, and Spirituality Workshops

PROSO CONVERSATIONS Do you want to gather with a small group and respectfully explore issues relevant to everyday life and faith? PROSO’s unique “in the round” conversation method give each person a chance to briefly share on several topic themes while others listen without critique or interruption. Personal “Casting the Conversation Questions”’ set the tone and gives you time to collect your thoughts before facilitator input and group sharing. These honest, thoughtful faith-based conversations include a brief opening and closing prayer. Cost varies.

PROSO RETREATS let you choose the retreat style that fits your personal need for sacred time away with God. All PROSO retreats include retreat talks, prayer, music, scripture, and personal reflection questions. Do you long for a silent retreat? Step away during group sharing with your retreat materials. Do you want a retreat director? Set up a private meeting with a PROSO Retreat Spiritual Director before, during or after your retreat.  It is up to you if your PROSO retreat will be silent, directed, or will include small group sharing and bonding! Cost varies. A private retreat director is available for an additional charge.

PROSO WORKSHOPS offer information, gems of wisdom, and “hands on” experiences that can increase your awareness of God’s deep, ongoing love for you and all creation. Workshops are rooted in a Catholic perspective but are open to adults of all faith backgrounds. If Providence invites you to trust more, love more, and use your creativity, insights, and gifts to better your life and the world, then a PROSO spirituality workshop may be just for you! Cost varies.


2022 PROSO Retreat, Conversation Group and Workshop Themes

The Beatitudes and Racism: See how Jesus calls us to be more inclusive Beatitude People despite living in a culture of systemic racism.

Believing while Grieving: Being a person of faith does not take away the human need to grieve but leaning into the pain can eventually lead to transformation and peace.

Building Lasting Relationships: God invites us to build healthier relationships that can break through disagreements, isolation and division.

Creating Community in a Divisive Society: A polarized society works is divisive and injures many. Providence helps us find ways to create pathways to peace and understanding

Develop a Grateful Heart: Open your eyes to God’s goodness as you explore some helpful practices for growing in the virtue of gratitude.

Eucharist in a Fragmented World: The pandemic has changed faith in many ways. Deepen your intimacy with God and explore the true meaning of the Eucharist in today’s world.

Finding God in a Pandemic: While a pandemic takes an emotional, physical and spiritual toll, it can also be a source of unexpected hidden graces and blessings.

God’s Grace in 2021 Space: Grace can change your perspective on life. Take an inventory of how God has been present throughout the joys and challenges of this unprecedented year.

Hands of Jesus: Openhanded, generous serving hands reflect the beautiful, beckoning hands of Jesus. See how your hands, like His, can serve, bless, comfort and bring hope to our world.

Harbor of Hope: Life is complex. We need God’s grace, gratitude and grit to discover light, hope and spiritual anchors during trying times.

Living with Less: Explore the impact of Pope Francis’ vision where “more can be less” in a world obsessed with consumption and consumerism.

Mary of Nazareth and Strong Resilient Women: Explore Mary’s strong “Yes!” and see how she can be a model of hope and leadership in families, churches and in our broader society.

Peaceful Living in our World: Trust in God, faith, and compassionate awareness of self and others brings deeper peace and stability when facing the chaos and stress of everyday life.

Providence Stories: Our lives contain a treasure-trove of inspiring ordinary and extraordinary stories of God’s presence and unfailing love and care. Come hear some of them!

Spiritual Growth 101: Getting to know God and Jesus better is a life-long process. This workshop provides practical tips and techniques if you want to grow spiritually while being nourished in solid, faith-based ways.

Weaving a Future of Hope: Reignite faith, strengthen resilience, become open us to seeds of newness, hope and God-given possibilities.

Contact Sr. Joyce Detzel, CDP, Director of PROSO Ministry, at or call 210-707-8400 for information on how you, your parish, school, or group can participate in or privately host a retreat, conversation group or workshop on a PROSO theme.

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