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Statement to end gun violence

We Sisters of Divine Providence of San Antonio, Texas, join with Catholic Sisters from across the United States in calling for all citizens and all elected leaders to take immediate action to end the rampant violence, rage, and fear that has been unleashed in our communities. Specifically, we implore our political leaders to pass laws that ban assault weapons and require universal background checks for all gun sales.

With the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), we see that the demonization of groups through mass media has resulted in violent acts because some who hear this speech interpret it as promoting targeted violence. We as Catholic Sisters believe we are called to confront rhetoric that stokes racism and hatred of anyone perceived to be “different” than we are. We believe we are all responsible for monitoring our own language and actions and calling attention when the language and actions of others cross the line.

As members of the LCWR, we Sisters of Divine Providence pledge our support to end the scourge of rage and hatred that has gripped our nation and we will be unfailing in our efforts to call for legislation that works to end gun violence quickly and effectively.
To read more about this statement, follow the link.
LCWR Statement on Gun Violence

Approved by CDP General Council

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